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English Vídeos
The opinion of RadioBip.
"Nearly 3 million people have already registered with OneCoin in a few months, one of the most impressive growths in the global financial market in history."
Major changes in the global economic world!
BitCoin and Onecoin like hundreds of other currency crypto are shaking the current structures of some traditional banking and financial institutions that continue to exploit the capital market to their delight. In Brazil the banks are charging the absurdity of more than 250% pa (some much more than that), in the interest of credit card> maintaining 40% of the population of middle class in Brazil in the margins of personal bankruptcy. Now comes a new opportunity with the advent of the Internet in the world with the creation of the VIRTUAL CURRENCY which in the words of BIL GATES already has its current and future existence totally guaranteed irreversible by the practicality of "manipulation" and that makes possible a greater profitability for people of low Income, who would never have the opportunity to grow in the current economic and financial system. The Chinese Government, as well as some African countries, are already studying to create their own crypto currency. In Brazil, there is already a project in the Federal Camera that aims to finish with the production of paper money and coins, since 70% of the transactions are already done by digital means through an internet password. .Recently one of the top directors of Facebook and Microsoft have decided to invest in crypto currency. Government officials are being warned to seek more information before attempting to harm poor people once again as well as having the opportunity to improve their economic and financial life, even helping their own growth.
We are inviting you to join us in a unique opportunity that is called criptomoeda. Your attitude can transform your life economically and financially in the coming months. Download the application and get more information. We are more than two million entrepreneurs from every country in the world.
Come and join our OneLife group. More than 2.5 million people have signed up for OneCoin in a few months. One of the most impressive growths in the world financial market in all history.
How to make your Netwok.
Testimonial of who is already successful.